Pana y Pal

For my 4and20 birthday weekend we chicken-bussed down to Lago Atitlan and spent a few days in and around Panajachel (‘pana”), including two nights at the newest contender for my favorite place on earth: Isla Verde, a slow-food eco-lodge complete with a yoga studio and meditation space. It was like walking into a photoshoot for yogajournal or a tumblr or something, almost too good to be true.

Other photos include our LHI team building field trip to Pal, one of the Comunidades de Población en Resistencia (CPR) from the armed conflict. Why we took this particular outing here is slightly a long story, but essentially our local staff were super pumped about the idea so we rented a micro to take us since no regular public transit usually goes there. There’s nothing quite like being winded on a hike along side a 4’10” Ixil woman who’s trucking it up the mountain in a full-length skirt and plastic sandals (Edilma is a rock star in many ways).

Also included are some shots from our 3-day hike to Todos Santos via Chortis (a village that has no roads at all), and some more of the beautiful ladies of Nebaj in their traje.

Anyway, enjoy some photos!